Time Abundance: The Missing Key to True Prosperity and Business Healing
Discover how time scarcity blocks true prosperity despite financial success. Learn practical business healing techniques to transform your money energy and shift from time scarcity to time abundance—a missing key to genuine wealth.
The 5 Business Love Languages: A Healer's Guide to Understanding Your Business Energy
Learn how your business energy flows through 5 distinct love languages connected to your energy centers (chakras). A healer's guide to natural business alignment.
Three simple wishes that sparked a 15-year business transformation
Discover how annual reflection practices transformed my life and business. Inside: my leadership journey from simple intentions to profound professional growth.
Six Things I Learned in 2024
What six transformative lessons on authentic prosperity through the lens of business healing did The Business Healer learn in 2024? Here she shares how self-love, inner authority, and conscious service can revolutionize your success. Discover why letting go of self-sacrifice and embracing true generosity creates sustainable abundance in both business and life.
The Seasonal Slowdown: Autumn’s Gift to Your Business
Discover how embracing autumn's natural rhythm can transform your business success. Learn why inner work and intentional slowdown are crucial for authentic business growth, better decision-making, and sustainable leadership. Explore practical ways to align your business values with seasonal wisdom this fall.
Avoid the Comparison Trap: Unlock Your Prosperity Mindset
Are you prone to the "compare and despair" behavior? Discover how to overcome the comparison trap and embrace a prosperity mindset to unlock your business and personal growth.
Unlock Financial Abundance: How Jenny Gained $20,000 Through the Pathway to Prosperity Program
Are you ready to transform your financial future? In this blog, discover how Jenny, a participant in my Pathway to Prosperity program, unexpectedly received a $20,000 windfall and achieved unprecedented career success. Learn how you too can tap into the science of prosperity and manifest abundance in multiple areas of your life.
What happened when my clients and I embraced our authentic Selves
Over the past two years, I’ve been amplifying healing as a tool for greater prosperity and business success. Being your authentic Self is you at your most powerful and prosperous—my own journey and my clients’ transformations are case studies proving it!
Does creating an authentic business make sense?
I’m offering you my timeline as a learning tool.
For more money, approach your life how your business approaches bad debts
A few weeks ago, someone asked me a question about the role of forgiveness in creating thriving finances.
My response?
Why Cassandra chose me as her healer and coach
Anyone who hires a coach and healer takes a leap. Here’s why clients choose me to guide them, and what happens when we work together.
How I transformed my money energy
I couldn’t wait for Saturdays. It’s when I allowed myself just one guilty pleasure: A diner breakfast with eggs, toast and potatoes, all for $7, including tip.
I was a college freshman, a new Manhattan-ite, and living off just one piece of advice from my money-savvy parents about my finances: “Be responsible.”
4 takeaways from 5 years as a business owner
This month I celebrated five years as a small business owner, a big departure from nearly two decades as an employee of the Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, and New World Symphony.
To say it has been the most rewarding and challenging part of my career is an understatement. Small business has given me a platform to do the work I’m called to do, yet it requires constant inner work to know my purpose -- and business savvy to build a model around it.
Being nicer to yourself is good business. Here’s why and how to start.
Let’s pretend for a moment. I’m my 2024 Self, chatting with my 2019 Self.
“You’re not going to believe this, but in 2024, you’ll be talking to clients (and an internet full of strangers) about the life-changing power of being kind to yourself.” The response? “Ha! That’s ridiculous.”
That’s because 2019-Me—the one who grew up hearing, “Life sucks and then you die,” whether or not it was meant ironically—didn’t see any version of me becoming an advocate for self-kindness, ever.
Four things I learned in 2023
2023 was a wild ride, a year of transformation. After a few years of building a successful consulting firm, I decided to take a leap into a new realm of work—to lean into my purpose and allow it to light the way in new, deep, and powerful ways.
Self-guided “recipes” for wholeness
Below is a template to create your own “recipe(s)” for wholeness so you can bring more of it into your life. These are playful suggestions meant to inspire you to get creative and experiment. Use the chart as a jumping-off point for your own creativity and what feels good or appropriate to you.
How healing and wholeness point toward the life you want
For many years, the desire to experience an extraordinary life propelled me forward.
Can love languages help create better teams and more satisfying careers?
After reading Dr. Gary Chapman’s 1992 couple’s self-help classic, The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, I couldn’t stop thinking about applying the idea of love languages to work.
Four things I’ve learned as a business healer
I love offering business healing to help clients recognize and resolve patterns of thought and feeling that are at the root of the roadblocks and challenges they’ve been experiencing at work and in life. Together, we intercept, deconstruct, disrupt, and override these roadblocks, on energetic and physical levels, to achieve lasting change.
The three relationships that keep us stuck until we unlock their power
Business Healing is very effective at tackling a number of challenges and issues by examining and addressing their root causes. When we release and relieve what you’ve been carrying around energetically, we can free up or create more space inside so you can realize a fuller You in life and at work.